Community Volunteer/Support
Giving back feeds our soul.
Community participation forms a very strong part of the Blue Sky Physio culture, giving back to a community which gives so much to us, is an easy assignment. Below are a few examples of causes, organisations and businesses we have volunteered our services or sponsor.

Relay for life Torquay (Cancer Council)
BlueSky Physio recently Volunteered physiotherapy services and provided rub-downs to keep participants going through the 16 hour walk.
The primary role of the federal body (Cancer Council) is to develop independent national cancer control policy while the Cancer Council in each state and territory undertakes most of the organisation’s research, patient support and education programs.

Relay for Life.

Worlds Greatest Shave
Aubrey participated and raised money to support Leukaemia Foundation.
When you sacrifice your hair – you send a powerful message of hope. People are so inspired by this big-hearted act of bravery that they donate to show their support. The money you raise will help families doing it tough through blood cancer right now. You will also help brilliant research scientists continue their search for better ways to diagnose and treat blood cancer more effectively.

Surfcoast Wildlife Rescue
Aubrey is an active member/volunteer of Surfcoast Wildlife Rescue which as the name suggests rescues and saves lives of injured wildlife. This group of volunteers rescue wildlife, vets do their bit, wildlife is then rehabilitated at a couple of sanctuaries in the region and returned to the wild.

Other charities/not for profits we have helped.
We have either participated in raising money or made donations to the following organisations.

Other businesses we are affiliated with
We help the following local businesses, keep our community fit, active and healthy.