Professionalism. Understanding. Results.
Our therapists are DMA Clinical Pilates trained. We provide you with 1:1 guidance to develop programs that can be performed in the comfort of your own home.
What makes DMA different, is the ability of trained Physiotherapists to individualise treatment programs specific to each patient’s needs. We are the experts in problem solving of chronic complex conditions. The DMA education, training and research division has trained over 10,000 of the highest quality caliber Physiotherapists in Clinical Pilates methodology, both locally and globally, and this number continues to grow.
Research has definitively shown that pain can inhibit the function of the surrounding deep stabilising muscles around the spine. It has been found that even once the pain has gone, the muscle function does not automatically return to normal. As such, it is important to strengthen the deep muscles to regain their function and to reduce the likelihood of the pain returning.
Our specialised physiotherapy service based on Clinical Pilates offers a way to retrain the deep stabilising muscles. With a program designed and supervised by a Clinical Pilates trained Physiotherapist, you can have confidence the exercises you are doing are appropriate for your spine, muscles and joints, and will be specific to your individual needs.
DMA Explained
DMA is the abbreviation of the original business name (Dance Medicine Australia). Since its inception in the 1980’s DMA has gone on to become world leaders in Clinical Pilates Physiotherapy Treatment, Training Courses and Equipment.
If you suffer from any of the following ailments,
Clinical Pilates would benefit you.
Just like injuries can vary greatly across your body, the treatments for each injury can also vary greatly. Clinical Pilates can be used for the most debilitating injuries that require a gentle slow as you go process. Or for elite sports people looking to take their core strength to the next level.
- Back, neck or shoulder pain
- Pelvic or hip pain
- Athletes
- Post orthopaedic surgery
- Pre and post natal
- Pelvic floor retraining
- Postural and flexibility issues
- General conditioning, toning and fitness
Clinical Pilates and Back Pain
DMA Clinical Pilates exercises are tailored to an individual’s specific preferred direction (directional bias) provide immediate improvements in performance and dynamic postural stability (Tulloch et al 2012). Once these patterns are identified, they can be used to develop a Clinical Pilates based exercise program to help you with your problem.
Strong research shows there are often certain movement patterns and directions that will either aggravate or relieve your problem. Directional preference exercises will produce better outcomes for pain and function than joint mobilisation alone (Dunsford et. al. 2011).
No 'Out of Pocket' expenses
We provide treatment with no ‘out of pocket’ cost to individuals who have funding from these sources, and assist you through the application processes if ongoing physiotherapy is required. We provide return to work guidance, Certificates of Capacity, and work closely with the team involved in your care.